Our Services


Bushhogging, sometimes referred to as brush hogging, is cutting anything taller or thicker than a lawnmower is able to cut.. It involves using a heavy-duty tractor-mounted bushhog to cut and shred vegetation, allowing the land to be used for other purposes. Bushhogging is a great tool for farmers and land owners to use when trying to manage large areas of land, and can be a very efficient way to clear land quickly.

Forestry Mulching

Forestry mulching is an environmentally friendly land management practice that uses a specialized machine to quickly and efficiently clear land of trees, brush, and stumps. This process can be used for a variety of purposes including land preparation for construction, land clearing for fire breaks, and creating trails and paths. Vegetation is ground into small pieces that are left to decompose, eliminating the need for hauling away debris. This can save time and money, making forestry mulching a great choice for many land management needs.

Vegetation Management

Vegetation management involves controlling the growth of plants, including trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as pruning, mowing, chemical spraying, and even burning. Proper vegetation management provides benefits including preventing the spread of pests and diseases and maintaining soil nutrition and structure, just to name a few. When done correctly, vegetation management can be an effective tool to maintain a healthy and balanced environment.

Land Clearing

Land clearing refers to the process of uprooting and clearing vegetation to prepare a construction site for a project. This can be done before construction begins to clear the land for laying foundations. Land clearing may increase a property’s value, but is not a part of regular maintenance and cleaning. When land clearing is done, teams remove any vegetation and obstructions on the land including trees, plants, rocks, brush, stumps, or anything else that may get in the way of the construction project.